Резюме: Anastasiya Levchenko
Anastasiya Levchenko
Kyiv Ukraine
Tel.: +38 050 347 27 07
[email protected]
Date of birth: June, 12, 1981.
Age: 26
Place of birth: Stahanov, Lugansk region
Marital status: not married
Languages Knowledge English, Ukrainian - fluent; Russian - native.
Computer & Technical Skills
• MS Windows 95/98/2000, MS Office: Word, Excel, Outlook, Explorer, Power Point;
• 1C Accounting 7.7, Client-Bank;
• Programs of State Treasury, Pension Fund, Tax Administration and the special bank card’s programs.
Donetsk National Technical University | Donetsk |
2004 - настоящее время | высшее, Speciality: Management of International Business Activity, diplomas: Bachelor and Specialist, qualification: Economist-manager
July 2004 - Certificate of a Consultant-translator of English language in the field of International business activity by DonNTU.
July – August 2001 - English course at Scanbrit School of English (Advanced level), Bournemouth, England | |
Опыт работы
«Kiytekhnotsentr» Private Enterprise | |
10.2006 - настоящее время | director Duties in the field:
- concluding and leading contracts, accounting (conducted projects: introduction of accounting in 1C:Accounting system);
- controlling and making payments (through the «Client-Bank» system), preparing and monitoring supporting documents (invoices, contract, act of acceptance, etc.);
- establishing and maintaining the filing system of financial documents and correspondence. | |
LTD «Budmash» | |
06.2006 - 09.2007 | deputy director Experience:
- enterprise reorganization;
- working experience for company-partner - non-profit (charity) organization, that means: contact with public institutions ( State Treasury, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy etc.), budget balancing and submitting financial documents for consideration by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, organization of special events, meetings, visits;
Duties in the field:
- accounting and taxation;
- managing contracts;
- controlling payments and supporting documents (invoices, contracts, act of acceptance, etc.), monitoring financial transactions;
- handing correspondence, making arrangements, translating on meetings | |
«FINANCE & CREDIT» BANK Payment Cards Department | |
09.2004 - 05.2006 | economist , leading economist - analyzing operations with payment cards with the purpose of revealing fraud operations;
- work with International Payment Systems (Visa, MasterCard) and foreign banks on the subject of fraud and questionable operations;
- interaction with corporate and private clients on the problems of operational security as regards payment cards
Department of Working with Clients
Duties in the field:
- bank card products promoting, work with private and corporate clients, concluding and leading contracts, customers supporting, crediting operations, leading VIP-clients | |
Working experience in the fields:
• Budgeting non-profit organization;
• Working with official, governmental organizations and State Treasury;
• Administrating, accounting and secretarial activities;
• Risk management, bank Security;
• Payment cards products sales;
• Company restructuring.
Personal skills and achievements:
• High communication skills;
• Flexibility;
• Quick learning skills;
• All-round analytical abilities.
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