Резюме: Козлова ЛюдмилаКозлова ЛюдмилаKiev Украина (044)296-3143 ЦельAn Executive Level position that will capitalize on acquiredexpertise and experience. Desire a position with career growth potential. ОбразованиеОпыт работы
Навыки· Excel in senior level presentations, conferences, negotiations. · Quick study with an ability to rapidly achieve organizational integration, easily assimilate job requirements and aggressively employ new ideas, concepts, methods and technologies. Energetic, loyal and self-motivated team player/builder. · Communication, interpersonal, intuitive, administrative, problem solving and leadership skills. · Effectively create new subject matter dictionaries and conversion tables for the whole team and for the translators; finding, analyzing and using new job-related information; assisting and teaching newcomers, generating ideas for the team effort development |
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