Резюме: Sergei Aleksandrovich
Sergei Aleksandrovich
KIEV Ukraine
[email protected]
To obtain position of Assistant, Project Manager Assistant, Marketing Assistant, Financial specialist/analyst Assistant, Manager of foreign affaires Assistant or other relevant position at your option.
Kyiv National Trade and Economics University | KIEV |
2003 - настоящее время | высшее, 1997-2003: Kyiv National Trade and Economics University
Faculty of Economics, Management and Law.
Diploma in "Management of Foreign Affaires"(International Business Relations) -
Master with honors.
My final dissertation "Strategic planning on companies with foreign affaires" became the best work on my specialization - first place on the competition of final works.
2001-2003 Military course obtained in National Academy of Defense of Ukraine (my rank is officer)
1995-1997: Kyiv Technical School of Economics and Law - Certificate of Junior Manager
Also "Gold Medal" in secondary school | |
Опыт работы
07.2004 - настоящее время | Probationer on position of Branch Director 1. Date: July 2004 - Present
Location: Kyiv
Position: Probationer on position of Branch Director
-the Management of Bank Branch | |
RAITER Co. | |
01.2004 - 03.2004 | Manager of Foreign Affaires 2. Date:January – March 2004
Location: Kyiv
Company: RAITER Co.,
Position: Manager of Foreign Affaires
-translations, negotiations with clients,
-conducting external correspondence and negotiations,
-preparing offers and enquiries,
-analysis trade opportunities | |
09.2003 - 12.2003 | Economist-Analyst 3.Date: September–December 2003
Location: Kyiv
Company: AGROMAT Co., Head Office
Position: Economist-Analyst
- mostly analytical work with presented financial information and statements,
-preparing reports,
-analysis condition of debtor’s indebtedness,
-analysis financial position of the company | |
Languages: Excellent English, Basic German.
PC skills:
MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
CorelDRAW, PHOTOPAINT ( v. 6 - 11)
Adobe PhotoShop ( v. 5-7 )
Adobe Illustrator ( v. 10 )
PageMaker QuarkXPress
Graphic Design / Web-design (near year experience as a part-time work)
Other skills: creative and analytically minded, good organizational skills, self-motivation and flexibility,
can work under pressure, responsible and punctual, presentation skills, ability to work as part of a team,
mobile, willing to travel internally/externally
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