Резюме: Iryna Savchak
Iryna Savchak
Novyy Rozdil Ukraine
[email protected]
Search of vacancy for deepening of knowledges, receipt of experience in new work, кар`єрнього growth and financial pleasure assignments from labour
The first paid sallary - $350
Institute of management and economics "Halytska Academy" | Ivano-Frankivsk |
- | Higher Got the diploma of bachelor with a difference.
Speciality: banking.
During studies actively took part in an artistic independent action, was the head of group. | |
Secondary school №4 with deep studing of foreign languages in Novyy Rozdil | Novyy Rozdil |
- | Secondary In times of studies took part in district and regional olympiads in English, Ukrainian, French, geography, mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry and others like that, where occupied prize places.
Took part in a regional Ukrainian competition «Believe your future , Ukraine!», where got a ІІ place.
During studies got praiseworthy letters and deeds for successes and achievements in studies, made off studies with a medal. | |
Опыт работы
ФО СПД Малютяк Г.Ф. | |
- | office-manager A help is in organization of work of leader. Work with documents, conduct of accounting control. Work is with clients. Grant of consulting services. Various office work.
06.2006-07.2006 passed practice in separation of АППБ „Райфайзенбанк АВАЛЬ” : work with delivery and registration of credit plastic cards of physical persons; it is scoring first, an analysis of account on these accounts; is realization of operations of transfer of costs of physical persons through the translation of Western Union system; a leadthrough of operations of registration and conduct of savings accounts; is realization of operations on crediting of physical persons | |
Additional skills of work:
A collaboration with an insurance company «Провідна»:
obligatory public liability of proprietors of transport vehicles insurance;
voluntarily insurance of travelling outside Ukraine;
ensuring against industrial accidents;
international insurance the «Green map» and others like that.
Knowledge of computer:
• High user level;
• Operating systems of Windows(98-XP), Package of Microsoft Office, Internet, Fine Reader, E-mail, and others like that.
• Ukrainian-native;
• Russian-free;
• English - high level;
• French - by a dictionary.
Personal qualities:
Decency, solved by mutual agreement, responsibility, is for end-point, purposefulness, communicability, readiness to the studies.
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