Резюме: kindrat
Kiev Ukraine
[email protected]
Опыт работы
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- | менеджер ЗЕД, логіст, менджер з продаж та закупок Hvozdinskyy Kindrat
5 November 1983
Address: Ukraine, Kiev, str. Bluhera, 7
Lviv, str.Toogan – Baranovskogo, 13
Phone number: +38 097 924 24 13
2001 – 2006 - LNAVM n. S. Z. Gzytskiy, Faculty of economy, specialization
Management of outward economy activity. (PR activity).
2004 - Sales training ( sales by phone, direct sales, the conclusion of contracts, advertising ).
2005 - AGRIPOL (MINESTRY OF AGRARIAN POLICY OF UKRAINE BILA TSERKVA STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY OF GIESSEN, UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX) EU Tempus Tacis Project “Agricultural Policy and Administration in Ukraine towards European integration”
2005 - Infor Manager “Personnel and time management”.
2006 - Training for management and recruiting Personnel, Sales training
English – Fluently.
Polish – fluently.
Ukrainian – fluently.
Work with such computer programs:
MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Outlook), Internet Explorer, CIEL, Fotoshop, CorelDraw, act.
Experience of work:
2004 – 2005 - Manager of income tourism in Ukraine, Tour operator “TRIDENT”
Exhibition and sale
Creating data base of hotels, Tourist base, Resort, transport companies
Researching of new outward markets
PR management
Work with the documentation
Work with the personnel, clients, VIP
2005 – 2006 – Forwarder of airfreight and sea freight in KUHNE+HAGEL.
Detecting of the beast airfreight and sea freight lines for the beast quality delivery according to incoterms rules.
Preparing the sales proposal to client.
Checking and signing contact – order.
The document consultation of client.
Ordering the delivery in airfreight or sea freight lines.
Preparing all documents needed for delivery (AWB, cargo manifest, invoice).
Customs business at Borispol and Lviv airports.
The cargo movement Detecting.
Invoicing of clients.
The report preparing for air lines.
Work with the forwarded book.
Outward accountants.
Time management.
Work with corporative clients.
Analytical Work.
Driving category: B, C.
Foreign passport
Hobby: art & painting, traveling, reading books, sport. | |
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