Резюме: Владимир Куриленко
Владимир Куриленко
Киев Украина
(044) 295-22-24
[email protected]
Seeking a position of project manager, system developer, application programmer, software engineer with a successful company that would recognize my experience and abilities as a basis for growth and advancement
Dniepropetrovsk State University | Dniepropetrovsk |
1977 - настоящее время | высшее, Specialist degree in physics | |
Опыт работы
National Mining University of Ukraine, Dniepropetrovsk | |
- | Senior Teacher Preparing and handling lectures and seminars on "Informatics and programming", "Geoinformatics", "Processing of remote sensed data (satellite images)", "Design and development of geoinformation systems" | |
"Orbita" scientific and production enterprise, Dniepropetrovsk | |
- | Department head Responsible for all work on design, development and support of Information, Simulation, DataBase and Geoinformation systems of medium size from specifications to implementation including management of group of developers and programmers. | |
* Information systems design and development, management of big projects - 15 years.
* Development of applications for DBMS - 10 years.
* Systems design and program development for simulation modeling - 5 years.
* Geoinformation systems design and development - 3 years.
* Remote sensed data processing - 3 years.
* IBM360-based programming (FORTRAN, PL/1, GPSS) - 8 years.
* MSDOS-based programming (FoxBASE, FoxPro, Turbo Basic, Turbo Pascal) - 10 years.
* MSWindows-based programming (MS Visual Basic, MS Visual FoxPro) - 5 years.
* MS Windows NT 4.0 LAN administering - 2 years.
* Preparing and handling lectures and seminars at University - 3 years.
Strong fundamental knowledge in mathematical statistics, optimization theory, simulation modeling, geoinformatics, data processing, image processing, development of specifications, programming, testing and supporting.
Very adaptive, consistently go "above and beyond" to meet challenges and exceed expectations.
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