Резюме: Мария
Kiev Ukraine
8050 209 89 97
[email protected]
• active
• responsible
• cheerful
• purposeful
• ability to learn quickly
Опыт работы
| |
- | Kiev National Dragomanov’s University.
Philological faculty.
English, French languages, foreign literature. | |
“Optima-Capital” | |
- | office-manager “Optima-Capital”
Financial, account and business documentation
Receiving and processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence
Oral and written translations
Work day planning
providing of the office activity, contacting office suppliers,
telephone calls reception, Chief requests execution. | |
“Kiev Connections“agency | |
- | Interpreter Written /oral translations
Work in the Internet, site managing.
Receiving and processing of incoming and outgoing correspondence. Graphics managing.
Organizational work
Contacting clients. | |
Kiev Central Palace of Children and Youth. | |
- | English cources - education
- dealing with registration papers
- papers accounting
- organizational work
- member of the selection committee | |
Language skills: English – fluently,
French – with a dictionary,
Ukrainian – perfect,
Russian – perfect.
Computer skills: PC literate, Internet, Photo-Paint. (MS Office)
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